Finding Nemo….

As part of our coastline topic we paid a visit to Blackpool Sea Life Centre as part of our Cultural Capital experience. Children enjoyed looking at all the fish and were even able to touch a Mermaid Purse! They listened well to the staff who informed them all about these.

We discussed how the fish were living in water, which is physical geography, but their tank was human geography.

Children discussed that, when these fish are in the wild, their environment is completely physical geography.

Children especially enjoyed the sting rays and watching the fish swim by really relaxed them! We spoke about lots of different fish, different types of water they live in and how amazed they were by the jellyfish!

We saw a turtle living with the sharks, which was amazing for us all! We even found Nemo…

Oakenclough class at the Trim trail.

Oakenclough Class enjoyed a trip to a local trim trail where they were able to put their endurance to the test. They were able to develop their understanding of the importance of exercise for maintaining their health and ongoing wellbeing. 

They monitored the impact of exercise on their pulse rate and discussed how exercise is imperative to having a healthy heart. The children enjoyed competing against the clock to complete the course as fast a possible.

Norman conquest at Beacon fell

We visited Beacon Fell to participate in some longer distance walking and a game of capture the flag. We chose these activities because the Normans had to walk long distances and then then be prepared to battle. The students really enjoyed exploring and walking, where they all shared a laugh and demonstrated enjoyment throughout.

When it was time for capture the flag they were separated into teams and straight away they began to come up with tactics and strategies on how they could overcome the opposing team. They really enjoyed this and kept on asking to play again and again which they were allowed to do but we walked to a different part of the woods. In each new location the students came up with new tactics and strategies. 

Tapestry and Castle visit 

Bleasdale class went on an education visit to look at some examples of Tapestry and for a walk around Kendal Castle. Completing these 2 activities creates a strong link to the class project about 1066. Whilst at the Tapestry the students became familiar with how each image told a story but most importantly they can be used to document history. This prepared the class for their lessons in school as they were going to scratch and look at examples of Tapestry based on 1066.

From here we headed to Kendal Castle. Once here the students were keen and excited to explore the castle grounds. We split up into groups taking it in turns to look around the castle and whilst doing this we asked the students questions about why they thought it was so high up, why was it high up compared to the people walking up to it and wondered whether it had a drawbridge. The students really enjoyed the castle as it gave them further insight with their structures.

Archery and 1066

21.05.24 We went to visit an outdoor education facility called Waddicar to participate in archery. In class we have been looking and learning about some of the weapons used in 1066 and having them join in an activity which is related to 1066 seemed like a great idea. The students all had a go at archery and became familiar with the important rules, which they all kept to safely.

Most importantly they grew in confidence with the technique needed to shoot an arrow. All of the students had many attempts at trying to hit the targets and they all managed to complete this, even if it was the other students’ target!

Epic quest at a rainy Hoghton bottoms

A fun quest was put forward to the pupils to fulfil at a wet Hoghton botttoms this included:

MissionsTick when completed
Walk passed the waterfall and find the magical boats
Make the magical boats
Man the magical boats
Sail the boats over the waterfall
If enough boats make it over the waterfall you will receive a prize at school
If you complete your journal on the day and write it up in school you will receive another gift.

Some boats were more successful than others!

The pupils made the most of the epic rain having great fun splashing about in the growing puddles.

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