Exploring the animal kingdom

Nicky Nook class are exploring the animal kingdom in lessons this half term. What better way to bring learning to life than a school trip to a wildlife park?! And so, on January 12th, we put on our warmest jackets and set off to “Wild Discovery” at Ribby Hall Village. Despite the chilly weather, the children were able to get close up to some of the rarest animals on the planet. We saw binturong, anteaters, arctic foxes and even a pair of pure blood Scottish wildcats. Highlights of the trip included actually holding a Madagascan hissing cockroach, braving the darkest recesses of the bat cave as its residents swooped around our faces and arms and a huge crocodile that seemed as interested in us as we were in her! The children kept our park warden on her toes with plenty of questions and we returned to school vowing to return in the warmer months and hopefully see new arrivals in the wildlife breeding programme…

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