Winter Barbeque on the Beach.

During Spring Term 2022, Calder Class’s topic was ‘Australia’.  We explored the continent, it’s history, geography, culture, customs and wildlife.  

On January 26th, Australians celebrate ‘Australia Day’.  One custom associated with Australia Day is to spend time with family and friends on the beach sharing customary food.  The class made Aztec biscuits and prepared meringue bases to make Strawberry Pavlovas for our beach picnic.

The class visited Heysham Beach in Morecambe on Australia Day.  The boys wrapped up warm and stayed active on the beach to keep the January weather at bay.  They participated in games such as football and throwing activities.  Some just enjoyed drawing in the sand with driftwood that they discovered on the shoreline.  

Mrs Mott found a safe place to set up the barbeque in a sheltered area to avoid the whistling Morecambe Bay winds.  Once the sausages were ready, the boys huddled together to enjoy a warm barbeque lunch.  Pudding consisted of the prepared meringue bases with a good dollop of fresh cream and a sprinkling of delicious strawberries.  Some of the boys (and staff) had never experienced a winter barbeque/picnic before.  

After they had eaten,  the boys strolled over to the nearby park.  They had full tummies, rosy cheeks and pockets full of treasure that they had discovered on the beach.  These treasures were the focus of subsequent Literacy lessons.  The boys created some fantastic adventure stories from the small artefacts that they brought back to school.

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