Habitats at Williamson Park

The Parlick’s class thoroughly enjoyed their recent school trip to Williamson Park. After learning about different habitats and microhabitats in science this term and exploring how different types of animals adapt to these environments. The children loved being able to observe these different habitats in person; we saw Meerkats, marmosets and even a python! It was really interesting to see how different all of the animals’ enclosures were and the different things each animal needed to survive and grow. 

Our favourite habitat to explore was the Butterfly experience! The children loved being able to see the Butterflies up close and demonstrated great care and concern when travelling around the habitat; making sure they didn’t hurt any butterflies as they explored. We were lucky enough to watch a butterfly hatch from a chrysalis for the very first time! After learning about the life-cycle of a butterfly in class it was fantastic to witness it in person. We even had to use a special mirror when we were exiting the Butterfly House, to check no butterflies were attached to our coats. 

Experiencing the animals and the environments they live in first hand really helped to develop the children’s understanding of different animals’ needs and how these are supported by their habitats. 

The children said:

“I really liked watching the butterfly in the water, I thought it was hurt but it wasn’t. It was just drinking, there were turtles in the water too.”

“The butterflies were so beautiful”

“I liked the butterfly house, it was nice and warm for the butterflies but it made me jump when they tried to land on my coat.”

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