
providing children with a

calm, safe, secure environment


providing children with a

nurturing environment


providing children with a

stimulating environment


providing children with a

physically active environment


A calm, safe and secure environment

Building confidence, self-worth, resilience and aspiration

Calder Lodge school provides children with a calm, safe, secure physical and psychological environment. Highly experienced staff ensure that pupil’s negative behaviours and mindset are confronted in a non-confrontational way. Personal responsibility is placed at the forefront of behavioural change, supporting children’s ownership of themselves and their actions. Using strong boundaries and modelling social norms, children are given space to grow. By building confidence, self-worth, resilience and aspiration, we help furnish children with the skill set to engage with academic and social learning for life.

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Hello and welcome to Calder Lodge School.

Here you will find wonderfully unique children who have a range of needs including SEMH, ASD and all associated needs. Our vastly experienced staff base provides consistency and safe boundaries in which pupils feel settled, allowing them to be children. A rural backdrop and expansive varied curriculum helps pupils understand the social expectations of life but more importantly themselves. Pupils thrive in the calm and ordered operations of the school. High expectation and belief in the pupils allows them to believe in themselves, increasing engagement with learning across the academic and social spectrum.

Kelly Farnworth – Headteacher

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Compass skills at Williamsons park. 19.03.2025

For our Cultural Capital trip, Nicky Nook visited Williamsons Park in Lancaster. Children focused on compass skills and had to navigate around the park from instructions telling them to walk…

Plant nutriton at Rainford wood. 14.03.2025

This week, as part of our Cultural Capital, Fairsnapevisited Rainford Wood to explore the topic of PlantNutrition and Reproduction. The children learnedabout the essential things a tree needs to grow…

Holmeswood emersion. 26.02.2025

For this half term’s Cultural Capital, Oakenclough Class immersed themselves in our beautiful, local environment as they ventured into Holmeswood for a great exploration. Whilst there, they were looking to recognise the signs…

Bleasdale class SOUND explorers 25.02.25

Bleasdale Class had an amazing adventure at Brock Bottom, exploring the sounds of nature and learning all about volume, pitch, and how we hear! Before the trip, we watched a…

Animal care Lancaster-29.01.25

A message from our host Steph: It was a pleasure to welcome you and your class to Animal Care yesterday! We hope you, the staff, and the children enjoyed the…

Bleasdale Class Trip: Walk Through Holme Wood to Nicky Nook  4/2/25

On our class trip, Bleasdale Class embarked on an exciting journey through Holme Wood to the summit of Nicky Nook. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to apply…

Scrumdiddlyumptious-Pizza making. 05.02.25

Fairsnape had a fantastic visit to the Pig and Whistle as part of our Scrumdiddlyumptioustopic. The children got hands-on experience making their own pizzas—rolling out the dough,selecting fresh ingredients, and…

Hoghton Bottoms River Trip

21st January 2025 Our river trip walk to Hoghton Bottoms was a great success. The Brilliant Bleasdale explored rivers and learnt about meandering rivers, how rocks are pushed down the…

Bug hotel materials search at Beacon Fell. 28.01.25

Oakenclough Class enjoyed a trip to Beacon Fell where they collected natural materials for creating their bug hotel over the coming weeks. The children also spent their time recognising signs of the…

Scrumdiddlyumptious at Morrisons, 16.01.25

As part of our Scrumdiddlyumptious topic, we are learning about all things food! Fairsnapevisited Morrisons to investigate fruits and vegetables and found out where they are importedfrom. The children learnt…

Science at the garden centre. 15.01.25

Today, Nicky Nook went to a garden centre to explore plants, which is part of our science topic this term. We also used this opportunity to purchase our own plants…

Bleasdale class Roman Trip to Lancaster City Museum 09/12/2024

Bleasdale class visited the Lancaster City Museum, and it was an amazing day full of Roman history! The highlight of the trip was Marcus’s incredible presentation about Roman life. He…

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